When Partners Become Parents with Catharine O'Brien (Ep 85)

Adding a new baby can completely change the dynamic of a relationship. Even though the nursery is complete and the car seat is installed, nothing can quite prepare you for the drastic changes that come with adding another member to the family. These changes can be minor and easy to overcome, but they can also be substantial and require more effort from both parents to keep everyone healthy and happy.
Today, Jennifer's guest, Catharine O'Brien, shares tips from her new book Happy With Baby: Essential Relationship Advice When Partners Become Parents. She explains how communication and organization can help keep your relationship strong as your family grows.
The app Catharine mentioned in the show: Gottman Card Decks
Catherine O’Brien is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the founder of HappyWithBaby.com. She created Happy With Baby in order for new parents to discover the advice she wishes she could have had as a parent.
Catherine lives in Sacramento, California, where she enjoys paddle boarding and rowing with her husband and two kids.