132 | Make Room {intro for my newest book!}

Hi there ladies! I hope everyone is doing well and that you have all gotten back into the swing of things with your kids back to school and a new season. There is so much going on. I know that over here it has been a time of reset for my business after a crazy summer of traveling for baseball (check out EPISODE 125: Organizing Tips for the Baseball Mom (jenniferfordberry.com)
So I wanted to get on here today to talk about my new book, Make Room: Take Control of Your Space, Time, Energy, and Money to Live on Purpose! Which is what I am all about! I want you to live a happier, more peaceful life and I don't want "stuff" to distract you from that. Check out Make Room by clicking HERE.
I am so proud of the book and the journey that led me to write this book. Please check out EPISODE 124: My Story That May Inspire You to Write a Book (jenniferfordberry.com) to hear about how I got to where I am with my career as an author and why I decided to write this type of book.
Make Room might be a different take on organizing than you've heard before. It is all about how we make room for a life that we've always dreamed about but just didn't know how to grasp. This book will teach you how to get there.
Make Room begins by saying, "Do you feel overwhelmed because of everything you need to get done in a day? Are you exhausted from trying to take care of all the stuff you have accumulated in your life? Do you lack fulfillment? Do you feel stuck?" Does this sound familiar to anyone? Tune in to hear more!