This episode is a captivating story involving a unique product and the journey of turning a dream into reality. Today's guest, Adam Levine, a long-standing friend of host Jennifer Ford Berry, has successfully created and brought a unique product to the market and shares his journey from dream to...
In this episode of "The Make Room Show" host Jennifer Ford Berry shares her insights and strategies for simplifying and embracing the holiday season. Jennifer emphasizes the importance of early planning and organization to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable holiday experience. She encourages...
Today's episode is all about easy ways for us to bring more Jesus into Christmas. I know you will probably be listening to this episode in the middle of the busy Christmas season. The to-do lists are long and we can all easily get overwhelmed. But my hope is that this episode...
Diane Boden is the host of the Minimalist Moms podcast and my guest on today's show. This episode is going to air on Christmas Day. So I want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas and I pray that each of you is enjoying a day full of love, joy, and family.
Episode Talking...
Today, we are going to discuss some really useful tips for this busy holiday season. At this point, you are either ahead of the game, behind, or right where you should be.
I would love to hear the answer, so wherever you are—whether...
Would you love a stress free Christmas this year? The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. For some, it can also be the most stressful. Trying to get everything done from baking, shopping, Christmas cards, and going to holiday parties can get overwhelming! We know!
If the...