In this episode of "The Make Room Show," host Jennifer welcomes special guest Keri Eichberger, author of the book "Win Over Worry." Together, we explore the topic of worry and its impact on women's lives. Jennifer shares her personal experience with worry, particularly related to her...
Are you ready to make a change in your life?
Have you felt a nudge from God to follow a different path?
Is there something deep inside your spirit that is telling you to take a risk, do something different, and follow your dream?
A year from now would you live to be called a purpose-driven...
Jill Savage, Author of No More Perfect Kids is back again to talk about her brand new book: No More Perfect Marriages.
Marriage is such an emotionally charged topic to discuss. During the years of a marriage, you can feel like you are on a wild roller coaster ride experiencing extreme highs and...